Studying = bread, not candy

(originally published March 16, 2021)

I started on 1 Corinthians last week. I’ve read the book many times, but this time, I’m hoping to get more familiar with it on sort of a synopsis/outline level. Yes, I know it is a letter, so there isn’t always the patterns that we would expect in other literature. But that makes it all the more important to step back and understand it in chunks.

I’m going chapter by chapter, picking up on themes and key verses, making notes in my bullet journal that will help me remember where to look later.

Because waiting until later can be disastrous.

There is danger in going hunting for something that will make us feel better when we are down. In the same way that hunting for food when you’re hungry can cause you to pick something sugar coated (i.e. out of context) that won’t actually nouish you. You need to plan ahead. You need to be prepared. You need to have taken in lots of good stuff, so that when you’re hurting, you aren’t making up for neglect and giving in to poor choices.

Have you ever made a synopsis of your devotional reading? I highly recommend!

Sarah Jake